Monday, 9 November 2009

Film Poster - Group Discussion & Idea's.

After producing our own rough visual of the poster we discussed what were the best ideas we could incorporate to make the most successful poster. We decided:

- to feature all three of our characters into the poster, yet with Alfie in the foreground to show him as the protagonist and also as the character with power.

- to use the idea of half of Alfie's face blacked out to create suspense.

- to use dark, dull colours which are essential for our poster as it fits our thriller genre and will also make our text which will be in red, stand out. We decided on red as this was our inspirational colour for the film and black emphasises the suspense and mystery.

- a possible symbol could be the petrol can, which once the audience see the film will become inconic. We thought we could have the film title spilled out as the petrol from the can. We didn't want to use fire as a key symbol as it gives too much of our film away.

- to use Alfie's eyes as a key focus of the poster.

- for this poster to be both photographic and graphic, with the background being a long empty dark corridor.

- this poster should be visual with the only verbal aspect being the tagline.

- "Who have you got your eye on?...Because I've got mine on you", is the tagline.

- the target audience to be young adults as this is stereotypical for the thriller genre.

- the tagline to be our most persuasive technique, as it creates suspense. Alfie's half blacked out is also gripping and makes the audience want to know more.

- to add movie poster critiques and preferably a credit block.

- to keep the audience guessing with a sense on unpredictability and on the edge of their seats.

- to possibly have Alfie's silohuette in black holding the petrol can which is in colour.

- for the tagline to be a pun, as a main emphasise on the film poster could potentially be Alfie's eye.

- to show Johhny and Marie's character as fearful of Alfie.

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