Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Cast, Cast, Cast!

Finding cast is a crucial part of our pre production planning as we need to make sure the actors we cast display the personalites of our characters effectively. Therefore we thought it would be best to hold auditions to find the best suited actors, and then rehearsals running up to the filming. So far, we have asked the drama teachers to make announcements to their year 13 and 12 pupils, as a maturer cast is needed for our film due to the sexual implications. They have passed on the message to let any members of our group know we need efficient, reliable and skilled students to act on Alfies, Maries and Johnny's role. We have also made announcements in the common room and put up notices on the common room notice board to both year 12 and 13 students to ask anyone if they would be interested in playing the roles.

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