Tuesday 24 November 2009

Making Props!

In our film we wanted to show the audience that the fire Alfie's character had set up, caused the death of Marie & Johhny's character. However, as we wasn't able to film a real fire, or have the editing software to do so, we had to think of an alternative way to show it. Therefore, we decided before Alfie's face is revealed, he could be reading the newspaper which holds the headline "2 School Children Die In Fearsome Fire" or something to that effect. This would happen during Scene 2, just before Alfie's face is shown to the audience.
To make the front page of the newspaper, I produced this on Microsoft Publisher. I used clipings from "The Sun" newspaper to give our front cover realistic newspaper elements. I then wrote a brief article of what I would have expected the artice to say, but with main emphasis of the newspaper on the headline.

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